Manley Restoration

Workingtree Studio Restoration and Conservation Site

Services website

Agency: Workingtree Studio  •  Client: Manley Restoration

The brief was to design, build and host a new website showcasing the services of Manley Restoration, a highly respected art restoration and conservation businesses with Royal associations and a long and illustrious history.

Manley Restoration Before-After

Interactive elements such as a ‘before / after’ slider and a testimonials carousel were incorporated to illustrate Manley’s world class reputation and some fascinating articles documented their history, which dates back to 1891.

The site features bespoke imagery, video and engaging content detailing Manley’s extensive range of services. There is also archive photography showing highlights and key moments from their long history.

Built on the WordPress platform, the new site was launched in March 2024 and is already generating interest and leads for the Manley team.

Manley Restoration Screens